





Ever discuss Pro-Israel issues with someone and felt that you weren't as effective as you could have been? Ever try to discuss the situation in the Middle East and felt that you were getting lost in a sea of details and spending all your time being defensive? Have you wanted to become a more effective Pro-Israel editorial letter writer?

Then ChampionIsrael is for you! We teach seminars on the in's and out's of being an effective Pro-Israel spokesperson when discussing the situation with your friends, co-workers, in the press and elsewhere.

Make a difference! Schedule a seminar for your group...

No charge seminars can be offered at your synagogue, JCC or other location in the NYC area.

"Thank you so much for your fantastic pro-Israel advocacy seminar."

Seminar Overview
Key messages
Understanding your audience
Effective case presentation: emotional vs rational discussions; controlling the agenda of the discussion; recognizing and avoiding the common traps of Jewish discourse
Action: Letters to the Editor; Talk shows; Press interviews at rallies
Practice your skills with other seminar participants

Larry Kluger presents the ChampionIsrael seminars. He is an award-winning speaker and is a senior volunteer for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a member of their National Executive Committee and their New Leadership Network. He is also a senior member of the United Jewish Communities Young Leadership Cabinet (YLC). He has twice served as a statewide delegation leader for the YLC and has lobbied Congress and the Senate many times as a delegation leader.

Contact Larry...
Send email to     larry @   or call  212.501.9294